Welcome to

Harpur's Hill Primary School

  1. Classes
  2. Primary 7

Primary 7

Welcome to P7. Our teachers are Miss Quinn (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Porter (Thurs-Fri). Our topic this term is Rainforests,

Areas of Learning - Key Stage 2


  • Language and Literacy (Talking and Listening, Reading, Writing)
  • Mathematics and Numeracy (Developing Mathematical concepts and numeracy across the curriculum)
  • World Around Us (Developing knowledge, skills and understanding in Geography, History and Science & Technology)
  • The Arts (Art and Design, Music and Drama)
  • Personal Development and Mutual Understanding (Focusing on self-esteem and confidence)
  • Physical Education- including a residential trip
  • The children develop their ICT skills throughout all subject areas.


Primary 7 is a very busy year, Transfer, Transition and Tests but we ALWAYS try and have fun. There are lots of opportunities for children to participate and lead school assemblies and themed activities throughout the year. Children are encouraged to take a leadership role and become P1 buddies and digital leaders. We remember to celebrate all we have achieved throughout the year and the years prior. We end our year with a residential trip and children get to experience life away from home comforts and learn life skills in a fun, encouraging and engaging way.  Keep an eye on the website to see all the exciting activities we get up to!