At Harpur’s Hill we strive to create a nurturing atmosphere which reflects and promotes the moral, intellectual, personal and social development of our pupils. We strive to create a caring, happy, secure, support and stimulating environment, where the pupils’ interests and welfare are our main focus. Staff liaise regularly with outside agencies to ensure pupils feel secure and are safe from physical and emotional harm.
Mission Statement
Harpur’s Hill Primary School and Cuilrath Corner Nursery are committed to providing a caring, stimulating learning environment where every adult will be encouraged to develop the whole child. We believe that this can best be achieved through the collaboration of a dedicated team of staff working constructively towards a shared vision.
It is our aim to develop links with parents in order that a genuine desire for high standards of work, attitudes and behaviour is valued by teachers, pupils and parents.
In preparation for later life we are convinced that children should have good moral standards, a wealth of knowledge and essential social skills and we feel that our school is a positive influence in developing the potential of all the children in our care.
Our vision would be that Harpur’s Hill Primary School is perceived as the best school for each and every child who attends it.